senior pet care

Senior Pet Care

Senior Pet Care

As pets enter their golden years, their health needs evolve, requiring attentive care and proactive management. At The Depot, we understand the unique challenges and considerations that come with caring for senior pets. From comprehensive wellness exams to specialized geriatric screenings and personalized treatment plans, we're here to ensure that your beloved senior pet enjoys a happy, comfortable, and fulfilling life.

Managing Chronic Conditions

Our pets, just like us, become more susceptible to chronic health conditions as they grow older, which is why we encourage more frequent diagnostics (such as bloodwork) for senior pets. When we can catch a developing health condition in the early stages, we have a much better chance of controlling the symptoms and slowing the progression. Our goal is to help you keep your older pet as active and as healthy as possible throughout his or her golden years.

The following conditions are common in older pets:

Chronic Renal Insufficiency
Heart Disease
Liver Disease

End-of-Life Conversations

All of us at The Vet Depot understand what a difficult, complex decision it can be to determine when the time is right to say goodbye to a beloved pet, and we certainly don’t expect you to make the decision alone. We are here to answer any questions you might have and to help you arrive at the best decision for your pet’s individual circumstances.

Please contact us today to schedule a visit for your senior pet.

Schedule your visit.